Children's Ministry


Tuesday, December 24: 5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Children in Church

We love children in our church service.  Every week our congregation invites our youth to come forward for a message before going to Sunday School.

Our welcoming song is "“This is Where Children Belong” (congregation sings)

 "This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong." 

There is a Children's moment where the Pastor or the Coordinator of Sunday School talks to the children.  They then are dismissed to go to Sunday School and are back in time to take Communion with their family. 

Nursery and Sunday school.

A nursery is provided and lovingly staffed. You also can opt to keep your baby in arms in church.  We love to hear the coos and baby sounds.  The nursery cares for infants and toddlers.

The Sunday school is for our older children. You know they want to go when you see them dancing down the isle in church as they are dismissed.  Our coordinator is a retired elementary school teacher and the kids love her.  There is a staff of five teachers who rotate as needed.

The themes of Sunday school are bible based and universal.  They learn to love one another, be tolerant of differences, and remember God made us and loves us all. They learn that they are never too young to be of service to others. AND.... they have fun!  Our kids love their time in Sunday school.

The C.I.A. - Christians in Action!

Christians in Action is a multigenerational Group who meet to help others.  In the past we have made fleece tie blankets for needy children.  They have made pillows, again for children in need.  And before the pandemic they made candy sleds and went caroling at Oishei Children's Hospital.  It will be fun to see what they will do this year since the pandemic has allowed more gatherings.

Stay tuned for upcoming projects!